In order to qualify for a license you are required to take and pass a test administered by the Contractor State License Board. The Californiacontractor license examis challenging and most people need some outside assistance or study material in order to pass it. Contractor State License Center has been a contractor school in Los Angeles for over 20 years.
Their exam consists of two separate tests. All qualifying individuals must pass the standard Law and Business examination. In addition, qualifying individuals must pass a second test covering the specific trade or certification area for which they are applying, with the exception of the C-61 Limited Specialty Classification. No trade examination is required for this classification.
The tests are multiple-choice. That is, you choose A, B, C, or D. There is no writing. The law test will consist of about 125 questions. The trade exams vary in length depending on your classification. There are about 80 to 125 questions on the trade, on average. In order to pass the law test you are required to answer 73% of the questions correctly. You will be informed at the test site about the exact percentage of correct answers needed to pass each trade examination. We are a contractors license school in San Fernando Valley located in Burbank and serving the Los Angeles Area.
Copyright 2012: Contractors State License Center | Contractor School California | All rights reserved.
What does the Law and Business examination cover?
The Law and Business examination consists of questions related to business management and construction law. The examination is divided into ten major sections:
Project/Job Management (about 20 % of the test);
Licensing (about 15 %);
Bookkeeping (about 15 %);
Bid Procedures (about 13%);
Safety (about 12%);
Contracts (about 10%);
Liens and Dispute Resolution (about 5%);
Employee Issues (about 4%);
Insurance (about 3%);
Special Circumstances (about 3%).
What does the Trade examination cover?
Primarily information pertaining to codes, safety and other questions that are specific to your trade. Most examinations include questions that refer to accompanying blueprints and/or booklets containing drawings. You will be informed at the test site about the percentage of correct answers needed to pass each examination.
How long does the examination take?
You will be given approximately 3 1/2 hours to complete each examination. The exact amount of time allowed for each examination will be announced at the test site.
How long until I take the test?
Normally it takes the state about six to eight weeks from the time you apply until you sit to take the test.
Where are the examinations given?
The CSLB has exam sites in seven cities: San Diego, San Bernardino, Oxnard, Norwalk, Oakland, Sacramento and Fresno. To make the examination procedures more convenient for applicants, testing centers have been set up at numerous locations throughout the state. Through the use of zip codes, applicants are assigned to the testing center nearest their business address.
How will the test be administered?
You will take your examination on a computer-assisted testing (CAT) system. This is the same system that our own computer testing center is modeled after, which simulates the law and trade examinations you will be taking on a computer at the State Board. These practice tests guide our students to help them to feel at ease with the computer and prepare them for the actual test. Computer based training is now the chosen preparation format for the construction professional.
Can I bring any books or materials to the test?
This is a closed-book examination. No reference materials may be used during the examination. All materials brought to the examination site must be left in an unmonitored area at your own risk. Some questions require arithmetic computation. Applicants may bring a hand/pocket calculator (either battery operated or solar powered) that is non-printing and not alpha-programmable.
How can Contractors State License Center guarantee that I will pass the test?
Because our contractors license school course is focused entirely on the exam and the information and techniques needed to help you pass, the first time, or your money back. Our materials are organized in an easy to understand format that simplifies the material and the study process. Test questions can and do change frequently. CSLC has full time contractor on staff who is continually researching the test requirements. Through our classes and our interactive practice tests, you will learn exactly what you need to know to get your license after completing contractor school in Los Angeles. That’s why our success rate is so high and our course is so highly recommended.
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